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Jobs of 2030 may include ‘Rewilder’ and ‘Nostalgist’: report

This Four-Armed Robot Might Be Performing Your Next Abdominal Surgery

Dear Mom and Dad: When I grow up, I want to be a nostalgist.

Said no child, ever.

Wait a few years, though, and that scenario is likely to change.

By 2030, job titles that may seem bizarre today will be among the most-sought after careers in the labour market, according to the Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan.

FYI. A nostalgist is an interior designer who specializes in recreating memories for wealthy seniors.

“Rather than settling for a typical ‘retirement village’ experience where everyone’s apartment looks the same, the wealthy elderly of 2030 will have the luxury of living in a space inspired by their favourite decade. Nostalgists recreate the setting of their preferred time and place for seniors wishing to relive their past, from a small-town 1970s living room to a 1980s university dorm room,” the CST website states.

The list of future jobs also includes titles such as Tele-Surgeon (operating on people using robotic tools, rather than human hands), a Localizer (helping communities become more sustainable through locally sources goods and services), and Rewilder (undoing environmental damage caused by man-made forces).

It’s all very Logan’s Run, without the nasty bit where they zap anyone over the age of 30. (Look it up, kids. It’s worth it.)

Predicting where our career futures are heading is no easy task. It requires a combination of data, including demographic trends, the predicted effects of climate change and probable technological advancements. A little imagination doesn’t hurt either.

Byrne Luft, vice president of Canadian operations for the recruiting firm Manpower, said trends are already becoming apparent across a broad variety of career categories, based on current demand and predicted skills shortages.

It’s no secret anymore that scientists, engineers and mathematicians will rule the future.

Anything related to the computer field, robotics, the energy sector, biotech or health care –

“That whole space in Canada is going to be very critical to really keep our economy thriving,” Luft told Yahoo Canada Finance.

Anyone in the skilled trades, from electricians and carpenters to millwrights, can also expect a bright future. Heck, you don’t even need to wait.

“You’ve got every country in the world right now looking for skilled-trades people,” Luft said.

On the medical side, Canada’s aging population means more and more jobs for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and technicians of all kinds. Luft also predicts a significant opportunity for those entering the field of mental health, “which is pretty front and centre of our conversation right now and I think it is only tip of the iceberg.”

Not to worry if you are called to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, or even artist. There will be a place for you, too, in the future world, though the job may look surprisingly different than it does today.

Luft said it’s not impossible to see how in 20 or 30 years, much of the work performed today could be done through automation, with professionals in these occupations skilled in the technology that supports their roles.

“You could literally have a robot made of nano-technology go into a burning building and manage a fire remotely. That is not a reach at all,” he said.

CST, an education advocacy organization that sells Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP), came up with its Jobs of 2030 list after working with forecasting strategists and industry experts across sectors.

“The best things we can offer our children now is to encourage them to, obviously, have a post-secondary education,” said Martha Turner, vice president of marketing for CST. But so-called soft skills, such as critical thinking, collaboration, the ability to work with diverse groups and change agility will also be critical.

Gone are the days when you made your course selection and selected your job and you stayed in that for the rest of your career. Having an open mind is really important,” Turner said.

Top 10 list of jobs of 2030 (source: Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan):

1. Nostalgist

Job description: An interior designer specializing in recreating memories for retired people.

Job requirements: Combined skills of therapist, interior designer and historical researcher, with an eye for historical detail and desire to bring joy to the customer.

2. Tele-Surgeon

Job description: Using a combination of robotic surgery tools, scanning and sensing technologies and high-speed networks, surgeons will operate on people in far away locations.

Job requirements: Traditional medical and surgical training, combined with expertise in robotics.

3. Rewilder

Job description: Removing fences to restore flight paths for birds, tearing up roads and replacing them with forests, and reintroducing native species are just some of the tasks rewilders will engage in. .

Job requirements: All the traditional skills of farming, including managing land and crops, combined with ability to manage wildlife.

4. Localizer

Job description: A small neighbourhoods and companies survive and thrive global shortages by using what is available to them within a close distance..

Job requirements: Education in operations, logistics and supply-chain management, plus math, accounting, and business. The ability to network is essential.

5. Neighbourhood Watch Officer

Job description: In charge of flocks of small drones that monitor neighbourhoods to keep an eye on suspicious comings and goings.

Job requirements: A crime-free record for your background check, an official security clearance, and a certificate in property law and citizens’ rights is necessary for this job. 6. Garbage Designer

Job description: Ensuring the success of up-cycling by finding creative ways to turn the by-products of the manufacturing process into high-quality materials for making another entirely separate product. May also be responsible for designing ways to make things with very little waste.

Job requirements: A strong background in materials science and engineering, combined with an interest in industrial design and familiarity with manufacturing and trade.

7. Simplicity Expert

Job description: Part designer, part math whiz and part sociologist, the best simplicity experts need an understanding of how humans work to come up with new and creative methods of working.

Job requirements: A degree in social science to understand how people work and the conditions that enable success. Training in systems thinking and administrative procedures, and courses in management sciences will be valuable.

8. Robot Counsellor

Job description: For the cases where robots are brought in to assist families with daily life, the robot counsellor will be a resource for picking the right robot. The counsellor also observes how the family interacts and identifies their needs and lifestyle so that they can make a wise decision about the type of robot that they would need.

Job requirements: Social and communication skills, combined with an understanding of robotic technologies that change household routines. The role is part counselling and part sales.

9. Gamification Provider

Job description: Gamification is the process of adding game logic in order to achieve better outcomes. Not to be confused with a video game designer, the gamification designer combines game logic with everyday activities, events, products, and services. You’ll work with technologists, designers and business people to make the world a more playfully challenging place. You may also design games with doctors, therapists, or psychologists that help people bounce back in the face of serious life challenges like injury, illness or depression.

Job requirements: Certification as a gamification designer, where you’ll receive a background in human motivation and player behaviour. You will also learn how to effectively design challenges and rewards that make sense in the real world. Some training in design, psychology, and data science will be beneficial.

10. Arctic Adventure Guide

Job description: Provide a rugged and exciting outdoors experience in remote locations, while ensuring the safety of your travellers. Drone technology (remotely controlled airborne devices) and the new light airships that have largely replaced ice roads mean more of the north is open to visitors than ever before.

Job requirements: First aid, piloting, boating, and other outdoor skills are musts for this job. Friendly, engaging and enthusiastic men and women who love the outdoors will find plenty of work in the north.