
Discover or create custom screeners that leverage filters like price change, volume, and more to zero in on your next trade


Most Active Stocks

Discover the most traded equities in the trading day.


Most Active Penny Stocks

Stocks priced at $5 or less with the highest daily volume and high % day change


Undervalued Growth Stocks

Stocks with earnings growth rates better than 25% and relatively low PE and PEG ratios.


Day Gainer Stocks

Discover the equities with the greatest gains in the trading day.


Day Loser Stocks

Discover the equities with the greatest losses in the trading day.


Aggressive Small Caps

Small cap stocks with high earnings growth rates.


Most Shorted Stocks

Stocks with the highest short interest positions from Nasdaq and NYSE reports released every two weeks.


Market Movers

Stocks with significant short-term movement

Most Active Stocks

Discover the most traded equities in the trading day.


Most Active Penny Stocks

Stocks priced at $5 or less with the highest daily volume and high % day change


Day Gainer Stocks

Discover the equities with the greatest gains in the trading day.


Day Loser Stocks

Discover the equities with the greatest losses in the trading day.


Most Shorted Stocks

Stocks with the highest short interest positions from Nasdaq and NYSE reports released every two weeks.


Recent 52-Week Lows

Stocks that have set 52-week lows within the last week.


Recent 52-Week Highs

Stocks that have set 52-week highs within the last week.


Small Cap Gainers

Small cap stocks with percent change greater than 5%.


Value and Growth Strategies

Target stocks based on fundamental value and growth metrics

Undervalued Growth Stocks

Stocks with earnings growth rates better than 25% and relatively low PE and PEG ratios.


Aggressive Small Caps

Small cap stocks with high earnings growth rates.


Undervalued Large Caps

Large cap stocks that are potentially undervalued, ordered descending by volume.


Growth Technology Stocks

Technology stocks with revenue and earnings growth in excess of 25%.


Portfolio Anchors

Funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5 and top-half returns that could serve as a rock-solid core of an investor's portfolio.


Solid Large Growth Funds

Large Growth Funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5 and top-half returns.


Solid Mid-Cap Growth Funds

Mid-Cap Growth Funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5 and top-half returns.


Fund and Bond Strategies

Mutual funds, bonds, and conservative investments

Top Mutual Funds

Funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5 ordered by Percent Change.


Conservative Foreign Funds

Foreign funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5, low risk and top-half returns.


High-Yield Bonds

High Yield Bond with Performance Rating of 4 & 5, low risk and top-half returns.


Solid Large Growth Funds

Large Growth Funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5 and top-half returns.


Solid Mid-Cap Growth Funds

Mid-Cap Growth Funds with Performance Rating of 4 & 5 and top-half returns.