Tough tax penalty raises fairness concerns

Most people know that if they file their personal tax return after the deadline, they’ll be assessed a penalty – five per cent of the amount owing, along with one per cent a month in interest. If they don’t owe any tax, there’s no penalty. But each year, tens of thousands of Canadians are hit by something they may not have known even existed – the “repeated failure to report income” penalty.

It doesn’t take much to trigger it. Forgetting to report two T-slips in a four-year period – once in the most recent tax year and once more in any of the previous three tax years – is enough to set the wheels in motion.

And make no mistake, this penalty is a big one – 20 per cent of the amount that was not reported in the most recent year.

To be clear, that’s not 20 per cent of the amount of tax that wasn't paid. In many cases, no tax is being evaded at all. This penalty is applied to the entire amount of income that never made it onto the tax return.

This may come as a jolt to those who got a tax slip for some extra income after they’d filed their tax return. Often people don't bother forwarding the information to the tax authorities, assuming that the tax department would know about it anyway since the issuers always provide the same tax slip information directly to the Canada Revenue Agency.

That turns out to be a mistake. It’s the failure to report the income that is the real offence here, not the failure to pay tax.

The rationale behind this penalty isn’t hard to fathom. In a self-reporting tax system like ours, people are required to report all their income. Failure to do that repeatedly should bear some consequences beyond merely being assessed the additional taxes owed.

“I understand what they [the CRA] are trying to do,” says Wayne Drew, a partner with the accounting firm MNP in Waterloo, Ont. “You don’t want people to not report income.”

But the rigid application of this rule has caught people who never intended to avoid taxes.

Accountants CBC News talked to say they have seen clients assessed thousands of dollars in penalties, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars, for what have often amounted to inadvertent slip-ups – tax slips sent to an old address, late-arriving slips, lost slips, forgotten slips. All of these situations can and have triggered penalties.

Drew cites one recent example he’s aware of, a senior citizen who’s been assessed a $3,600 penalty. This on top of the tax and interest owed, a penalty levied for “repeated failure to report income.”

What did this senior do wrong?

It turns out a tax slip had been sent to an old address and he never got it. Combine that with one previous incident in which a tax slip had not been reported … and the result was a nasty and unexpected surprise for a man who’d never intended to evade his tax obligations. He’s appealing the penalty.